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The Incredible, Edible Egg... Hash

Not ashamed to admit that I am a creature of habit... find something I like? I'll go ahead and wear it out. Most cases, that takes a LONG time to happen. Insert my breakfast.... there have been a few modifications along the way, but since about 2017 you can pretty much guarantee that my first meal of the day will be some kind of scrambled egg hash. I love it. I love it. I love it. Honestly, lets go ahead and call it my brunch. I definitely don't want to eat when I first get up - I look forward to drinking my coffee super slow and then if my schedule allows, I make this around 10am most days.  Not a food blogger, so I'm not going to give you a really long step by step OR exact measurements of anything.... but, here is what I currently cannot quit! Heat Skillet at Medium, then add: 1 tsp Ghee 1 cup Pura Vida Fire Roasted Vegetables Mélange (I buy at Costco!) 1/2 cup fresh spinach 1 Trader Joes Chicken Breakfast Sausage OR Pederson's Bacon (bacon only on family breakfast d

Tripper's First Birthday Party!

Tripper's Birthday Party was also on his actual birthday... for some reason, I just love that both of my kiddos were able to have their parties on their actual days! Seeing as he was born the day after Thanksgiving, we figured it was perfect (and probably the only year) that we could celebrate "Our Little Turkey!"... the party was SUPER simple with just our families, small group and the Rives family... we had moved into our new house the week before, so it was bare-bones, but perfect.
We served a chili bar (forgot to get a picture of that!) with both white and traditional chili and all the fixings, veggies and hummus, chips and dip and turkey cupcakes... SUPER simple :).
Tripper's Birthday cake....
The day before the party, we decided to make a last-minute outdoor chalkboard for our fence... to this day, it is one of the kids' favorite activities!
It is hard to look at this picture below without crying... I can't believe these blue-eyed babes are BJ and I's kids.... oh my word, we love them so.
Everyone ate food, picnicked and just played in our backyard.... of course it went from low-key to crazy, super quick... all it took was Grandpa Mike coming up with a game of throwing the balls and full on ball-pit dodgeball began for the littles.
Time for the birthday song.... and this picture perfectly foreshadows how that all went down.... and is definitely a perfect summation of Tripp's first year of life. 
Look at that BOTTOM. LIP. 
 And then he decided to completely swipe the cake to the patio... Tripper, unfortunately NOT in rare form, but this was pretty funny.
Followed by tears because he wanted it back...
 We moved past that and had a ball the rest of the party - Tripper really is the most precious, sweet boy and loved playing outside with his buds.... he may seem dramatic sometimes, but aren't we all. Tripp rules.
After everyone went home, Tripp opened some of his presents and it was so fun to see him get so excited about everything... doesn't matter if it was cars, shoes, clothes or a basketball goal... he loved it all!
Then, another milestone happened.... Tripper stood ON HIS OWN for the first time on his actual birthday... he was SO proud, we were SO much prouder.
And then we assumed the normal position.... holding on to Momma for dear life.
Boo Boo boy, OH MY WORD.... I don't even think I could EVER put into words how much we love you. You are just the best little guy in the whole world.... you are my baby boy, my snuggle bug, my buddy.... oh how I LOATHE the day when your daddy and I aren't your heroes anymore. You make me feel like I can take on the world because you love me so much... but oh little man, I wish you could even understand that your love for me and Daddy is just a FRACTION of our love for you. If I could keep you little, my boy. I LOVE YOU.... Happy first birthday, although I am being sappy and sentimental, I really can't wait to celebrate your years. Lord pray there are many.... We love you!


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