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Lynnie Girl goes to Kinder.

Oh good gracious. I sat down to start writing and immediately tears filled my eyes…. WHY am I like this? I truly can’t even believe how sentimental I am even in the midst of celebrating things changing. I just can’t believe we are really here: Dorothy Grace! You are heading to kinder and well, I am still pinching myself that you are ours. I still haven’t gotten over the miracle of your life - and I’m guessing this means I absolutely never will - but how is this little teeny tiny baby now ready to go to school? This is all just so fast.  When you were little we have the funniest memory of you sitting at the dinner table hearing all of us talk and you wanted to be part of the conversation. You lifted up your hands to get our attention and exclaimed: “Moment, Moment, Moment”… and then you kept repeating yourself over and over because we were hysterically laughing. We still reference this as a family all of the time because here you were just trying to be in the mix, bigger than you were a

Where'd You Go, Bernadette?

For the very small handful of people who have asked, I’m answering to the masses (err, bigger handful). On February 1, I decided to take a social media fast. Our church was challenging us to a 21-day fast and I chose to fast not from food but from something else I had been looking to for satisfaction, delight or distraction. Here we are at the beginning of summer, and with the exception of popping on to facebook to check in with my business partners, I have found great freedom stepping away from social media (right now). Currently, I don’t have a plan to return, but I also know that I should never say never….
…Watch me pop right back in and eat crow in mere moments if I was to say I would be off of it forever.

Honestly, social media has been a beautiful thing for me personally, and professionally, for well over a decade. It has allowed me to authentically and organically share my passions, ask my questions, get and give referrals, build and reconnect with my network. It has served my family like a diary - countless pictures, stories, and lessons that I’ve shared so that they were stored for me as memories for years to come. It has inspired me to admire friends and family in their own personal, and professional, wins… weddings, births, celebrations, griefs… it can be such a beautiful tool and again, I am so thankful for all it can be. 

Also honestly, social media has been a stumbling block for me personally, and professionally, for well over a decade. It has made me an ultimate consumer - always taking in for entertainment or escape - and often tempting me to compare, to covet, to judge or fight jealousy. It makes me sad that my prideful, selfish heart can often twist others' successes into my failures, others blessings into my wants and essentially, others lives / situations / things as better than mine. Then I pause and consider if I have elicited these feelings in others, and I guess I feel sad to know that unintentionally I probably have. 
What a weird time to be alive, people.

But here is the deal - social media is not going anywhere, nor am I. I LOVE connecting with people. I LOVE sharing what I’m learning, what I’m enjoying, what is challenging me and all kinds of other resources along the way. I genuinely miss that part of the wider net that the internet casts…. And so in an effort to slow-roll my way back, I’m actually going back to where I began when I was first dating BJ. In 2008 I started a blog - not because I hoped to be an influencer (that wasn’t even a thing) - but because for some reason the Lord wired me to communicate, sometimes over-communicate, the life that I live. It's not mine… the story is His. I’m just a super awkward 42 year-old woman that cannot help but want to verbally process the things I’m loving, struggling with, celebrating, grieving, researching or practicing. I’ve always been this way and well, I guess I’m finally confident enough to admit that it fuels me to write it all out, even if it's only kept as an heirloom for my kids one day. 

I do hope, however, that along the way I can encourage, inspire, challenge, or even open the space for others to feel part of an authentic community. Pretty important foundation to lay: I am not perfect and do not have a perfect life. I’m on the struggle bus most days, but I know the things that make my heart pitter-patter a bit and well, why wouldn’t I share, in hopes some of those things may have the same effect on others. 

I hope to do a weekly newsletter that captures and shares things I’m learning, things I’ve enjoyed, ideas, dreams, resources and ultimately, encouragement for anyone that reads along. Honestly, I’d love to know ways that people need encouragement, and be a source whether it is spiritually, personally or professionally. We all walk our own paths, but we don’t have to walk alone. I hope this little space gives anyone that finds it confidence, support, and a little joy. 

“So long status quo, I think I just let go”... Up next. 

So there you have it… stay tuned and follow along as I’ll start unpacking this little space in the weeks to come. This is my start, to restart, many passions that make my heart beat a little faster and I hope this space blesses you! 


If you read this far... wow, thanks! I hope you'll keep tuning in. 
My heart has lots to share and I am thrilled to write it all.

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