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Lynnie Girl goes to Kinder.

Oh good gracious. I sat down to start writing and immediately tears filled my eyes…. WHY am I like this? I truly can’t even believe how sentimental I am even in the midst of celebrating things changing. I just can’t believe we are really here: Dorothy Grace! You are heading to kinder and well, I am still pinching myself that you are ours. I still haven’t gotten over the miracle of your life - and I’m guessing this means I absolutely never will - but how is this little teeny tiny baby now ready to go to school? This is all just so fast.  When you were little we have the funniest memory of you sitting at the dinner table hearing all of us talk and you wanted to be part of the conversation. You lifted up your hands to get our attention and exclaimed: “Moment, Moment, Moment”… and then you kept repeating yourself over and over because we were hysterically laughing. We still reference this as a family all of the time because here you were just trying to be in the mix, bigger than you were a

Well, here we go!

Today is a big day in the Rector household. Today begins a new era for our family. I don’t know if I can adequately put my feelings into words to describe where we are, the changes that today bring, and all that they mean for us. But I’ll try. 
In July 2012 I began a (little) journey that was completely foreign to me. After the transition home from event planning to raising Eleanor and Tripp, I quickly realized that living under a tight budget was possible, but scary considering how expensive life is and will continue to be. I knew that BJ was doing what he could to give me what I desired most… the chance to be home and raise our babies. The toll was large because it took him out of the home, sometimes out of the city, to provide financially for our family to look the way it did. 
So when I was introduced to a little business called Rodan + Fields, I was intrigued by the simple fact that inside my home, on my terms, in my yoga pants and during nap time, I could bring in any supplemental income to take whatever pressures off of BJ that I could.  BJ and I decided, "Why not us?" Why not see where this little opportunity could lead? I’ll admit a few things to you…
1. Direct sales has never attracted me.  In fact, I was really turned off by the idea of it simply because I assumed it would turn me into a version of someone that my friends (and I) wouldn’t like. I hated the idea that people would think I'd pursue them for a buck, so I never dreamed I would find myself in a career like this. But, I have been pleasantly surprised that I do NOT feel this way. (Hopefully my peeps don’t feel this way about me either.) 
2. I have never been a product junkie.  I have always used Neutrogena (or the like) for my skin (alongside of prescription steroid cream for eczema).  I am not the girl who must try the newest or the best skincare line; I typically try the cheapest. :) 
3. I do, however, really love people. I love pursuing people - intentional relationships - and though I’m not the best at it, I really love being a part of the lives of those I am around. And the thought of a business that is solely based on new and existing relationships… well, that is exciting for a momma who went from a fast-paced social career to building blocks and coloring with kiddos all day. It could give me a part of ME back.

When I first heard about Rodan + Fields I had just transitioned into life as a stay-at-home mom leaving a high-stress, demanding and exciting job in event planning to raise my babies. My husband, BJ, works hard and has sacrificed his hobbies, many of his passions and time at home all to ensure that our needs are met and that I don't have to work. Rodan + Fields offers me the opportunity to stay home with my kids, and yet strive to bless our family financial situation to take whatever pressures off of BJ that I am able. In the short term, this may look as simple as having extra date, clothes or play money... but I am dreaming big, and I am confident that in time I will be able to bring in substantial funds that would allow our family to grow, enable us to give, save and invest... all while I have the opportunity to invest in the lives of my husband, my kids and the people I meet along the way. - (this is what I wrote in August 2012 about a week after I joined R+F)

Having never tried the product and having never been in a sales position, I decided I had nothing to lose.  These products were created by Drs. Rodan and Fields, world-renowned dermatologists who still practice and who have created quite a reputation for their incredible ventures. This business was completely based on lifestyle marketing - not sales - but on sharing as I went, where I was, in a way that keeps me true to who I am and what matters most.  There is a 60-day empty bottle guarantee - I knew if I started using the products and didn’t like them or the business that I could opt out no-harm, no-foul.  And quite frankly, I knew that if (at best) I could bring home a couple hundred dollars a month without compromising my priorities, that THIS would be a blessing. I can honestly admit that never in a million years did I think it would be so much more than an opportunity to make a couple hundred dollars, take pressure off of BJ, and allow me to accomplish all of this around my kiddos schedules. Instead, what has happened has been nothing short of life-changing. 

After my first couple of months as a consultant with Rodan + Fields, I quickly realized I was sitting on a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.  I earned a few trips, I earned a Lexus SUV, I replaced my old income and more…. and I got to stay Momma. I never had to miss a playdate, I didn’t have to give up bible studies or ballet and gymnastics classes. I got to stay active with my book club and have date nights with my husband… I got to stay me.  But, I’ve been able to revive a part of me professionally that I really do adore. I TRULY only work this business during nap times, when my kids are at preschool, or a night or two after they are down, and yet, it has changed everything.

So, why is today a big day? How does it mark a new era? Today, BJ officially resigns from his corporate job. Today, BJ becomes a partner with me in a crazy venture that we believe has incredible potential for the future. Today, as a family we decided that while his job and the opportunity he has had for the last three years was an incredible gift to our family… it is not his future. We want a daddy at home who doesn’t have to hop on a plane weekly, who doesn’t have to be out of the house 9-5 every day…. instead, one that gets to be as much a part of our home life as I am. And it has been made possible by Rodan + Fields. You may think we are nuts (um, we are nuts) but we are also humbled, thankful, overwhelmed, hopeful, and excited for this next chapter of our lives. R+F has made it possible for me to not only bless our family, but also for our family to decide the way we want to move forward, how we want our days/years to look, where we want to spend our time and invest our future. BJ leaving his job doesn’t mean you’ll find him at the golf course every day or that our life will become glamorous… but you will see us both getting to spend our time intentionally with our family, investing in our passions, and dreaming about future ventures we will take. We now have the opportunity to pursue dreams we never thought possible… and we are going to take our time to figure out what this means. 

What I don’t want anyone to hear or to assume: This is not BJ and I celebrating “retirement". This does not mean we have fallen into a get-rich-quick plan that randomly struck us like the lottery. This does not mean it will be forever. I’ve worked hard (although on my own terms) to build a business. Our business, family, and future are all the Lord’s, which we hold with open hands. The reality is that nothing in life is certain and we are choosing to walk by faith that the Lord has given us the gift of time and freedom through our business. The hope and prayerful expectation is that the Lord continues using R+F in our family. He has grown our passions and this business for us.  While sometimes my fleshly fears with our decision are both the perception of others and also the fragility of what “we” have built, the truth is this is and always was the Lord's. Our days have been ordained by Him; this is a blessing, we will walk and move forward, trusting that as we walk we will not only find joy, but also great reward in all that we do. We are so thankful for "Team Rector"... celebrating those that have joined us and the MANY successes that they have seen and that are in their futures, as well. 

So… cheers to new beginnings! Here goes (wait for it)…. everything!


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