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Lynnie Girl goes to Kinder.

Oh good gracious. I sat down to start writing and immediately tears filled my eyes…. WHY am I like this? I truly can’t even believe how sentimental I am even in the midst of celebrating things changing. I just can’t believe we are really here: Dorothy Grace! You are heading to kinder and well, I am still pinching myself that you are ours. I still haven’t gotten over the miracle of your life - and I’m guessing this means I absolutely never will - but how is this little teeny tiny baby now ready to go to school? This is all just so fast.  When you were little we have the funniest memory of you sitting at the dinner table hearing all of us talk and you wanted to be part of the conversation. You lifted up your hands to get our attention and exclaimed: “Moment, Moment, Moment”… and then you kept repeating yourself over and over because we were hysterically laughing. We still reference this as a family all of the time because here you were just trying to be in the mix, bigger than you were a

Yippie... E is 3!

Yesterday we celebrated Eleanor turning THREE years old. I have to pause for a moment.... I just said my baby girl is three. I literally feel as though life was put on lightning-speed mode once my kiddos were born. Throughout the day yesterday, I constantly had to remember that we were celebrating.... I purposefully made the biggest deal out of her third birthday making sure it was FUN, exciting and meaningful for her.... Eleanor, it was all for you, but at the same time I felt like I needed to make it such a big deal because this sentimental momma was actually having a pretty tough time coming to grips with how fast it has all seemed to zoom past us. I kept thinking about the mundane and monotonous days that we sometimes have and how it seems like the hours last for days.... and how in that moment, yesterday, I wished for each hour to slow down a bit more. I wanted it to feel long, I wanted to sit and hold her, I wanted to listen to her talk or sing to herself while playing with her today, I wanted to hear her laugh and see her complete-face smile over and again, I wanted her to throw little tantrums over silliest things.... I think I just wanted to believe that for a moment (which is what the last 3 years now have felt like) time could just stand still.

We had such a great day.... we started off with waking her up by throwing dozens of balloons in her room while singing "Happy Birthday"
her favorite "sparkly" (sprinkled) donut for breakfast
she and Tripp went to summer camp for the day (Eleanor, your favorite thing right now is "schkool"), after naptime she woke up to a beautiful, custom sandbox that her PawPaw made her
then the whole family headed to ChuckECheese for a birthday dinner and WAY too many AMAZING presents. I am pretty sure she had the best day, ever... especially when she opened her new bike from aunt Katie, her new trampoline from DotDot and Grandpa and Buzz Lightyear & Woody from Momma and Daddy.
Silly girl... she is too much. I wanted to ask her some questions to see how she would answer and capture what is on her mind as a 3 year old...

1. What is your full name? Eleanor Michael Rector
2. How old are you? One. (wrong)
3. What is your favorite color? Blue
4. Who is your best friend? Lucy and Spencer
5. What is your favorite restaurant? Chickfila
6. What is your favorite TV show? Mickey Mouse Clubhouse
7. What is your favorite movie? Toy Story
8. What is your favorite toy? Buzz Lightyear
9. What is your favorite fruit? Bananas
10. What is your favorite thing to do with Tripp? Tackle him
11. What do you want to be when you grow up? I want to water plants (????)
12. What is your favorite sport? Soccer (huh?)
13. What is your favorite candy? Gummy bears
14. What is your favorite animal? Cow
15. What is your favorite book? Super Readers (I don't think that is a book!)
16. What is your favorite song? Halleluiah (great! but I have no clue what song she is talking about!)

And there you have it.... Eleanor in a nutshell on 7/31/2013.

Eleanor, do you realize how special you are? what a GIFT your life is? how unique, how beautiful, how wonderful and how creative you are? how much mommy and daddy love you? how proud we are of you? You take our breath away - constantly. You made me a mommy. And sweetheart, I am undeserving... hands down, the most amazing experience of my entire life was the day you were born. I have never nor will I ever been the same, as a result. My life changed, for the better, the instant I heard the precious cry from your mouth... it is as if my heart literally leaped out of my chest and I understood unconditional, unwavering, devout, sacrificial and steadfast love for the first time (and now, with Tripper, that has grown exponential). You see, my whole life I have chosen love - whether it was self-sacrificing or self-serving.... anyone or anything in my life that I have grown to actively love (including daddy) was a choice - and continues to be, daily. But you, but Tripper.... I don't have an option. I love you. And there is nothing you could ever do to erase, alter or decrease my love for you... I am so thankful for the picture you and Tripp have given me of the way that Christ loves me. Simply, because I am His.

I feel as though my sentimental nature will make others, you, or even myself believe that growing up is a bad thing... oh E, its beautiful. I adored the first laugh you gurgled, the first time you sat up, walked, sang.... and again, you take my breath away as I watch your personality bloom with every passing day. Eleanor, you are so kind - there is nothing better than when you scream and run up to me, daddy or Tripper to love on us, you are such a sweet friend to your little buds. You are so creative, you love changing words to songs and telling stories and dancing to any music we put on. You are so smart, you love learning and asking questions and engaging in silly and serious conversations. You are so fun, you love adventure and games and playing in sand and swimming like the big kids and dressing up... you make us laugh over and over. You are so beautiful, but its not what you see in the mirror honey that makes you breath-taking... it is your countenance, your passion, your friendliness, your humor, your precious heart that feels and celebrates and has a genuine concern for others. Its beautiful, Eleanor. Although I complain that it is all going by too quickly, I really LOVE who you have become and I am so excited to see what this year brings... and the milestones we will celebrate along the way.
Eleanor, Happy Birthday. I pray for many, many, many more to celebrate with you.... our precious girl, may you walk confidently in who you are and how God made you. Your name truly does fit you so perfectly... Eleanor - a woman of compassion and honor. Yesterday, today and forever... we celebrate you and all that you are. To the moon and back, Momma


Meredith said…
What a perfect post. I've loved getting to know you and your sweet family this year and I'm so grateful we're all in this stage of life together. I remember you telling me how quickly it all goes by--you weren't kidding! Happy Birthday to Eleanor! And happy "3 years of being a mom" to you!

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